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Links to other Truly Outrageous Jem Pages

Great Pages!
Here are some great Jem, Misfits, Stingers and other pages that I've loved from the minute I saw them!

Hollywood Jem A great site with pics, info and fun stuff!
Jem and Friends A great place to get Jem dolls/accesories!
Stingers Page A wonderful site dedicated to all Jem/Stingers/Misfits fans with tons of gorgeous designs and pics!
Misfits Mania Pictures, bios and more!

FreeserversA fun and easy place with free webservers for all!
NorthSky.comNorth Sky develops and markets technology and tools that facilitate interaction on the Web. To date, these tools include free web site networks, free email, and instant messaging. We combine our tools with an innovative domain name scheme and proprietary network architecture that provides unlimited scalability.
Radiohead official site Hey! It's not Jem related but it's interesting!
Jem's Misfits Club A club I started on Yahoo! Sadly, no one has joined it yet :)
Totally Jem A most extraordinary site with loads of pics, info and more! It gets my vote for most outrageous. Truly AMAZING!
80's Cartoons and commercial trade center A message board devoted to TRADING episodes of 80's shows and commercials.
RAGE MUZIK The BEST muzik site alive. made by ME of course.